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Mark Fernandez

Sr. Technical Artist

City:San Jose
Residence:CA, USA
Technical ArtistAspiring DeveloperPerpetual Learner
Hero Background

About Me

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Hello, I'm Mark Fernandez. I'm a Tech Artist and Developer specializing in tool development, shaders, post-processing, optimization, and procedural generation. I have a passion for the development of new tools and workflows that help bring innovative ideas to life, bridging the gap between art and engineering, I find myself constantly learning and finding ways to improve my skills and assist those around me. I love pushing the limits of 3D and improving on workflows. As a perpetual learner and self-starter, I'm all about diving in, figuring things out, and really making a difference in any project I touch.

I believe best practices are a good place to begin, but true creativity means we need to think outside the box. Be okay with taking chances and leading the way. Trying something new comes with its own set of problems. The important part is what you learn and how you keep going when faced with challenges.

I believe this philosophy has allowed me to grow as an artist and developer.

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Feel free to reach out. Let's Discuss Your Project!